Underground denotes 'invisible' - that part of culture which always exists underneath the commercial plumbing systems of production and distribution. The following documentary video works cover beat personalities, jazz, poetry, art and more... Click on the pictures or description page links for more information. These works are distributed in the AMBA BEAT STORE. |
Huncke and Louis (108 min. VHS videotape). The last days and revelations of Herbert Huncke. Tape Description |
Al Neil - A Portrait (40 min. VHS videotape). An up-close look at West-Coast beat poet, writer, musician, artist and 'shaman' Al Neil. Description page |
Under the Lizards (77 min. VHS videotape). The Polish Jazz scene inspired by North American beat culture and music, survivors of totalitarian 'state' culture....the international scene close up. Description page |
...also visit HOLLYWOOD DOES 'BEAT'